Where oh where has my Get Up and Go gone?
Artful Reflections

Where oh where can it be?
I was laying back in my gravity chair taking in all the senses a late summer day offers. When inspiration for a new blog post hit me. I was lamenting my lack of productivity and the lame excuses that I had for not painting. Hit me hard enough that I got out of the comfy gravity chair and went directly to my laptop to get it started before the MASTER Procrastinator in me could strike again and I’d put it off waiting for a rainy day. However, I am productive on rainy days. My motto has always been if the sun’s out – I’m out.
But this summer has been different for me. Yeah it’s raining – yeah, but will it be this afternoon if I feel like painting? Dang, the suns out so out I must go – but dang it’s too hot. So in I go. So i’ll think about painting instead. Really, I think I have to blame it on August
I asked my friends at Google what does losing one’s mojo mean?
A magic charm, talisman, or spell; influence, especially magic power. I hear this phrase a lot: “I’ve lost my mojo”. When we lose our mojo we can often lack energy, lack enthusiasm, lack self-belief, lack self-confidence or lack direction.We could say that losing our mojo is when we feel less successful. I’ve not been painting as much as usual. Want to. Just can’t get around to it.
Painting Large
My studio is looking good though as I have a few large pieces on the easels. Painting of lilacs makes me happy and so I am painting not one but two. In fairness to me, they are quite different from each other (and on different surfaces) so I’m not as apt to burn out on them.

Backyard Pond painting

Then I needed a distraction from the larger pieces that I am (procrastinating) working on. So I decided to do a painting of our pond. A fun smaller painting of the fish in our backyard pond poking out from under the lily pads to see if I’m going to feed them. This was just the happy jolt of colour and movement that I needed to get back at it. We enjoy the pond life so much. The sound of the waterfall is so soothing. The fish give the pond so much dimension with their constant movement and flashes of colour.
Plein Air Adventures
One would think that summer would be the busiest time of year for Plein Air painting. In my circle it is actually one of the quietest times. Heat and biting bugs are a real concern – but really with summer comes visits, road trips and other family activities and we must not forget soaking up the beautiful weather!!!

Ritchie Lake Mid-summer
August Hydrangea Blooms
Summer Breeze off the Kennebecasis
Every year when I walk by our hydrangea shrubs I say I’m going to paint them. They are in bloom all of August and well into September. I am so pleased with myself that I finally got around to painting them.
Here is a link to the Instagram post with time lapse of the painting process! Click here
Fun link inside
I recently had someone comment on a very old blog post – it really surprised me. Then my curiosity got the best of me and I went scrolling through my blog posts to find the first mention of painting Plein Air. It was July 9th, 2010. And that wasn’t when I first started this journey. Wow!
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Jennifer Pallian
August is a sluggish month, but rest is also productive I think. Love your pond painting!
Helen Shideler
Yeah, almost everyone I speak with is saying the same thing about August – happy yoo like the pond painting
Jennifer Pallian
August is a sluggish month, but rest is also productive I think. Love your pond painting!