
Painting Returns Home with Two Awards

My painting “Sitting Duck” just returned home the 89th Annual “Open Water” juried art show recently held in Toronto. This show is the major event in the Canadian Society Painters in Watercolour (CSPWC) exhibition calendar.  Open Water is open for jurying to artists working in transparent watercolour.

With my painting were two award certificates; the “Sally Sloan” Award and “The Artists Magazine” Award. This is all very exciting – I was pretty proud to have a painting selected for the show.   Then just prior to the show opening I was notified about receiving the Artists’ Magazine Award. Pretty happy about that.  Then I received a call awhile later informing me about the second one, the Sally Sloan Award.  I have been waiting rather impatiently for them to arrive in the mail so I could look at them and then share the good news with my friends.

It’s a keeper

Additionally, this painting won Second Place in Watercolor at the Susan Kathleen Black Foundation Art Show in Dubois, WY last year. This painting is definitely a keeper.  I am thinking I will never sell this painting! I have to keep it to remind me that hard work, diligence and tenacity does offer rewards!

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