A Tale Unfolds,  My Plein Air Adventures

Home Away From Home

Travelling with paint adds another dimension as well – weight – so you have to be really discriminating as to what you pack. The other challenge is this is the shoulder season with spring creeping in on winter so you need clothes and footwear to bridge both seasons.  More weight. I had to be really selective with my art supplies.

I packed up my art supplies so I’d be able to “studio” paint while visiting my daughter and her family on the West Coast. My home away from home whenever the opportunity arises. Since this is still the rainy season in Vancouver, water mixable oils and Plein Air painting are not in the cards.  It felt a bit weird leaving them home but when flying one must be practical mustn’t one? 

To the Shops!

So, I packed up a few cradled panels and acrylics knowing Jenn also has acrylic paint that I am able to use.  I perused my reference photos and made a few selections on what I thought I’d paint while visiting.  Lovingly drew out “crow one” and started to squeeze paint.  Where’s the white paint? Only…I forgot about packing white (insert facepalm). And coincidentally we both were out. Such a funny colour for neither one of us to have. And it’s pretty difficult to crow without it.  To the shops!!!  I have a question for you… has anyone else noticed the shortage of inventory in art shops this past year? It’s like they are all going out of fine art and professional supplies…what the heck???

A Tale Unfolds

The Three Culprits

Leaving the Scene …………………………………….On the Lam …………………………………………Out On a Limb

A murder of crows (gasp) up high in the roosting tree.

The Caper

It all began early one morning when a loud ruckus was heard from the roosting tree. Crows have never been accused of being quiet but on this particular day almost everyone in the neighbourhood took notice. A cacophony of crows loud enough to hurt your ears. Everyone was wondering what they were up to. Now what was actually happening in the tree was anyone’s guess but speculation of what happened next became the squawk of the town.  The flock all flew off all at once accept for….

These Characters

Three remaining crows were acting quite strangely.  They were looking all around and especially at each other. Nonchalant and yet somehow suspicious. 

  • One remained in the tree “Out on a Limb” closely watching the other two on the ground.
  • Another was on the ground “Leaving the Scene” on foot and making good time.
  • And Buddy decided to go “On the Lam” running as fast as his feet could possibly carry him.

Stay tuned – there will be more chapters to folllow in this developing story

Capturing the Essence of Feathers:

We usually think of crows with their glossy black feathers – but in reality a successful crow painting is far more than monochromatic. I approach crow paintings by teasing out a variety of colour and value in order to capture the play of light on their feathers – looking for opportunities to add contrast in order to create interest. The feathers require a lot of layering, shading, and highlights to create a realistic image. I hope you enjoy these three paintings as much as I enjoyed creating them.

Plein Air Adventures:

Early December…………Snowy Day January……Wintery Day in January….The First of December

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