Duckie Duet and trouble with my easel
So today I had one of those days in the studio
Everything I touched went wrong. Easel Troubles. The bottom support on my big easel dropped to the floor right through my fingers with a loud bang and a bad word. The ball bearings in the crank mechanism hit the floor and rolled all over the place. Unfortunately we were unable to recover all of them. Does anyone know how to reassemble a crank easel?
The air in the studio has to be exceptionally dry this time of year with the electric heat going all the time. Because of the dry wood on the easel frame we couldn’t tighten it enough to hold the weight of a canvas. The support that holds the canvas up kept sliding… you got it, to the floor with a loud bang! Thankfully my fingers were not in the way this time. Unfortunately I was so frustrated and my fingers were still throbbing from the first crash that I decided that today may not be the day to work in my studio.
Ducks and more ducks
I have come to the realization that I will come back to painting ducks. Most likely they will all be mallards as they are so abundant where we live. There is a pairthat often hangs out under our bird feeder rooting through the sunflower seeds that other birds have dropped to the ground. I like to call them my Studio Ducks. We do have some very duck attractive puddles in our yard every spring.
What should the painting be called? I am mulling over a few ideas but nothing is saying “That’s it!” Just Ducky? Luck Ducky? How you Doin? (with the Joey from friends inflection – would most people get this?), My Place or Yours?, My Nest or Yours? (maybe a bit too riské), The Mister and the Missus? (personal favourite), Double Duck? or Town and Country? I so need a cheesy pickup line to title this painting. And I am stumped!
Then I went to Duckie Duo and to “Duckie Duet”. The first painting is an enhanced poured watercolour painting. The snow on the ground was painted with transparent mixing white acrylic and the flicked snowflakes are titanium white acrylic diluted with water to be flickable.
The painting below is a smaller version painted with acrylic on clayboard during the 30 Paintings in 30 days challenge.