My Painting Process
My Painting Process presents insights, techniques, materials and behind-the-scenes looks of how my artwork develops and comes to life.
Scent of Spring and some self reflection
Scent of Spring lilac painting in oils I completed Scent of Spring yesterday actually. I can tell you that I did a lot of self reflecting while working on it. There were some painting sessions where I literally spent hours working and you know, you could not tell I even touched it. It developed slowly. I knew it would and thought I was prepared for that. I stayed with it and am sure happy that I did. In one of those moments of when I was questioning myself, this quote found me: “Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.” ―…
Bay of Fundy Blues
Bay of Fundy Blues is my first completed oil painting for 2020! Mussel shells have always been one of my favourite subjects to paint and I always come back to them. It seems like a rather long time since i posted last. I’ve been quite busy. I completed a few Christmas commissions along the way – which I am unable to share, then the holidays with lots of family and we don’t have to get into the never ending sinus cold/infection fiasco. So many reasons! But I am back at it once again. Mussel shells revisited It is interesting how I keep coming back to subjects that I thought I…
Autumn poured watercolour painting
Autumn. There is something about the changing seasons and the arrival of the clean, fresh autumn air that inspires me to pull out all the colours. Not to ever try to compete with Mother Nature, but to work in harmony and try to capture the essence. Pouring with watercolours There are so many reasons why I love the process of pouring with watercolours. Often I will start a painting after I have completed a few detailed larger pieces. It almost feels like therapy for me. I get to splash and splatter paint in a much freer manner than usual and there is an element of tension or wonder before I…
Memories of Addo National Park
Last year we had the wonderful opportunity to travel to South Africa. And what would a trip to SA be without going on a safari? We were very fortunate to be able to go to Addo Elephant National Park and spend a couple of days there. I think this needs experience needs to be captured in a series of painting – both with poured watercolour and large oils. Safari We were so excited to be on safari in an open jeep that for the first few hours we did not even mind the rain! We knew South Africa had been in a long draught so we would not dare to…
Spring Scentsation
Spring Scentsation is a relatively large oil painting of a soft and fragrant while lilac that grows on our property line in the back yard. There is quite a story getting the painting to this point. Inspiration is everywhere A few years back when visiting my daughter, we went for many walks around her area in Vancouver. It seemed to me that almost every property we walked by had a tree line border framing in their yard. They were really well designed. Tall trees with shrubs at their base. There really was no need for weeding as the growth from the shrubs kept them in check. Everything grows uber…
Fetching Fun and a bit of trouble
So I got myself into a bit of trouble with this one Knowing that oil and water don’t mix – right? And the hazards of painting when slightly exhausted. Change of pace I thought I would get started painting this little 8 x 10” oil. It presented a rather nice diversion from the large white lilac waiting over my shoulder. I organized may paint. Squeezed out the right amount of luscious oil paint. Then I proceeded to paint. With this type of painting I generally start with the background first. That way the fur that is blowing in the wind is on top of the background paint rather than blocked…
The problem with Prussian blue – A comedy
Oh dear me So I have this brand new tube Prussian Blue paint in oil (if course). I tried to squeeze a dab out onto my pallet. Only it would not come out. So I squeezed a little harder. Still no paint. And then I squeezed a little harder. Success!!!! Only half the tube shot out. Over the top of my pallet (as in all over the edges), onto the side of my water bottle, across the protective cardboard I had put under my work. Phew! Now if you know anything at all about Prussian, it has a reputation of getting away from you. I really thought that meant as…
Summertime Promises
Summertime Promises I completed this painting on the day of the Royal Wedding and also my husband’s birthday. All this just happens to coincide with the Victoria Day long weekend. All this is truly symbolic. The May long weekend heralds in the promise of summer and is filled with hope. Lazy long weekends, adventurous tours, putting in the garden… you know the feeling Warm enough to chill I don’t know about you, but my soul has been longing to be warm so we can just chill. Our season on the East Coast is relatively short. We wait so long for its arrival. So many happy plans and ideas – all…