May you live in interesting times…
My father had a quote that he used to like to say quite often and it really was both a blessing and a curse. May you live in interesting times Well, 2020 proved to be a clear reflection of the meaning of that expression. So much to be grateful for and yet so much uncertainty. 2020 clearly a year of many changes Personally I made a number of changes in my world. I made the decision to leave my day job so I could dedicate more time to painting. This was truly one of the best decisions ever. Ironically though, with this decision, came the reality of isolating away in…
Stepping Out Ruddy Turnstones
I spent a lot of time up front in the planning this painting of ruddy turnstones. I had a good amount of reference photos that I had taken and had to decide how to approach painting them. Originally I thought they would be placed in a row boat. That still may happen. Start in the center I had this great shaped canvas and was wondering what I could possible do with it. Originally I was thinking elephants but the shape was not quite right for what I want to do. It needs to be a bit deeper for that. Then I remembered all my photos of ruddy turnstones. The bird…
Red Hot Pink poured watercolour
Red Hot Pink poured watercolour painting with process and product review I was feeling adventurous so I experimented with a few new products – one product I love and the other – not so much. In the pink It’s been a rather long, cold and wet spring. I wanted to paint something that celebrates summer heat and sunshine. Something bold and beautiful. Also I wanted to painting something that develops quicker than my oil paintings. So I turned to my photos of last summer’s planters and found red petunias! I also took this an an opportunity to push it a bit and experiment with a couple different products. Dr Ph.…
Vigilance – oil painting of an osprey
This elegant osprey had me spellbound as we watched it fly from the nest, around the bay and back. Over and over. I could not get over how majestic it was sitting high in its nest, being totally observant and on guard. Vigilance! So, I had to paint it! Summer sky This was a warm summers day with not a cloud in the sky. Warm breezes blowing. We were sitting outside at a restaurant by the edge of a little bay on Prince Edward Island just savouring the day. There was a nesting platform very close to where we were sitting. I spent most of the time on my feet…
Ducks in a Row
Ducks in a Row is a 1/2 sheet poured watercolour painting of Ducks Unlimited nesting boxes hung in a row Summer memories Last summer we were in Prince Edward Island in the very picture perfect area of Annandale. We rented an old farmhouse that was situated on a old farm. On the property were many sun bleached barns. While exploring the property, we came across the back of a barn with a number of Ducks Unlimited nesting boxes hanging in a row. Hence Ducks in a Row! I knew immediately there was a painting in that series of photos. Most likely a poured watercolour! Trickier than I expected I had…
Ever Watchful – Cardinal painting
When you are this bright and this handsome you have to be Ever Watchful. Northern Cardinals stand out in so many ways. Caught in action When observing cardinals you can’t help but notice how shy and elusive they are. They are constantly surveying their surroundings for signs of danger. I think that when you stand out as much as they do that you have to always be on high alert. This fellow no doubt caught me taking his photo. I have a really good zoom lens so I was respectful of his space. Besides, they would never let anyone get too close. Decked out The deck where we feed the…
Autumn poured watercolour painting
Autumn. There is something about the changing seasons and the arrival of the clean, fresh autumn air that inspires me to pull out all the colours. Not to ever try to compete with Mother Nature, but to work in harmony and try to capture the essence. Pouring with watercolours There are so many reasons why I love the process of pouring with watercolours. Often I will start a painting after I have completed a few detailed larger pieces. It almost feels like therapy for me. I get to splash and splatter paint in a much freer manner than usual and there is an element of tension or wonder before I…
Snack Attack
While sitting on the beach with my daughter and two grandsons, patiently waiting for the arrival of baby boy #3, we were entertained by crows swiping food from the strollers and picnic basket of unsuspecting beaching people. A Tale Unfolds – Snack Attack Sneak thieves What was most interesting with their behaviour is that they watched the people to ensure they were distracted and not watching their stuff. I had my camera trained on them for a long time happily taking photos. One crow in particular perched on the back of a stroller and picked it’s way through the treasure in the back. Only after taking many photos and marvelling…