The problem with Prussian blue – A comedy
Oh dear me So I have this brand new tube Prussian Blue paint in oil (if course). I tried to squeeze a dab out onto my pallet. Only it would not come out. So I squeezed a little harder. Still no paint. And then I squeezed a little harder. Success!!!! Only half the tube shot out. Over the top of my pallet (as in all over the edges), onto the side of my water bottle, across the protective cardboard I had put under my work. Phew! Now if you know anything at all about Prussian, it has a reputation of getting away from you. I really thought that meant as…
Summertime Promises
Summertime Promises I completed this painting on the day of the Royal Wedding and also my husband’s birthday. All this just happens to coincide with the Victoria Day long weekend. All this is truly symbolic. The May long weekend heralds in the promise of summer and is filled with hope. Lazy long weekends, adventurous tours, putting in the garden… you know the feeling Warm enough to chill I don’t know about you, but my soul has been longing to be warm so we can just chill. Our season on the East Coast is relatively short. We wait so long for its arrival. So many happy plans and ideas – all…
To Santa Fe and back
This trip had been loosely planned for a year I mean we all registered on the last day of PACE 17 when we hear it would be in Santa Fe. Other than that, we waited until January to book flights and the hotel room for the trip home. And maybe just maybe, we should have really scrutinized the schedule first. Who has time to be that planful? On the road again Two friends and i planned to meet at the airport in Albuquerque, rent a car (really really expensive) and drive to Santa Fe. I Googled the satellite maps to look at the roads to mentally prepare me for the…
Special Supper
I choose to paint Special Supper because I felt I needed a challenge! Jeepers! Designing a poured watercolour around lobsters sitting on a lobster platter may not have been my smartest move. Wing and a prayer The thing is, I could see the finished painting in my mind. Which when you start a painting I think you you should be able to do. Breaking the colours out into layers in this case was very complex especially since the painting is basically monochromatic. And red. Once the values started to get deeper, I actually lost my roadmap. I was unable to distinguish between critter and platter. You see, both the real…
Early wrap to this years challenge
Although this challenge is still ongoing, I am quite done for this year. I managed to complete 17 paintings since it began, but you see a surprise early arrival had me packing up my bags and flying off to Calgary! My beautiful new grandson Henry was born a few weeks early! And so I said to heck with the challenge and hopped on the first available flight. And I do have a few more on the easel waiting for my return. This is the fifth time that I have participated in a 30 Day Challenge. You can see my previous efforts here. With each challenge I like to have a…
Week 3 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
I have learned so much with this challenge. It was not enough to commit to a painting a day – I felt the need to add a layer of complexity by adding in a medium that I feel that I am just beginning to understand. I am an oil painter that needs to allow for dry time for glazing. Alla prima is really maybe not my thing – but feel i have been successful with my attempt. Day 11 – Lunch on the Bar The photo does not do this painting justine. The feathers on the bird are quire detailed. What I am finding is that it is difficult to…
Week 2 of the 30 Day Challenge
Still keeping up with the challenge having completed 11 paintings in 11 days I am having so much fun with all of these. Mussel shells and corvids are some of my long time favourite things to paint. I think I may have a few more ravens in my system. Thinking I am going to venture into watercolours this coming week. Day 6 – Fundy Blues I It almost always comes back to mussel shells for me. I have previously painted them as poured watercolours in a full sheet format. Three different versions. And honestly, there were three of my all time favourite poured painting. And I have painted them…
Here we go again for the 4th time
I joined the 30 Paintings in 30 Day Challenge once again It is actually my fourth time participating. I sort of tell myself when ever I commit to it – it is a huge commitment and the other larger pieces I am working on get neglected for awhile. But the sense of accomplishment that I get from doing it is well worth the effort. So far… So far all of these are oil on panels. The square ones are on cradled panel, the 10 x 8″ are on flat panel and will require frames. I am really unsure how long I will stay with the oils as I prefer to…