Yesterdays Blooms Finally Finished
The name Yesterday’s Blooms came from a few different ideas I had white working on this watercolour of white roses that grow in the back corner of my yard. Early in the season the blooms are so white, almost a transparent white. As the season progresses, the blooms take on a hint of pink. Only to become quite pinkish and coral nearer to the fall as the bloom matures.
I stepped back from this painting for a period (far too long) once I deepened the background. I had to get my head around how deep the values really are on the “white” roses.
The value of a grey scale value strip
I have a value strip that has been so helpful. Normally my instincts with tone and value are pretty good but I needed help with this one. I think painting in the background prior to completing the roses may have thrown me a bit. With this painting, I thought in a few places I nailed the intensity, pulled out my value strip and nope, had to go back in. Having a number of paintings to complete before Christmas this one seemed to loom over me as I was rather easily distracted by the workload in my studio.
A metaphor of life
This past weekend I was determined to finish it! So happy I finally did! I cannot help but marvel at the beauty of a rose. And it is no less beautiful once it is past it’s prime – yesterdays’ blooms. The colours in some areas are deeper, grow paler in others and more delicate somehow. Even the bees seem to prefer the newer fresher blooms. A metaphor of life. Opoooo now i am getting philosophical!