Roses for Valentines
I am currently working on another painting of roses I started to think about it and realized just how many paintings of rose I have done.
Being Valentine’s Day, I thought I would share some of the rose love with you . Roses for you and for me! There are wild island roses from Prince Edward Island. Roses from my father’s garden a long time ago. My friend Jeannie’s climbing roses that I take reference photos of every chance I get. Apparently horse manure makes great compost for roses.
Carpet roses that grew by our little pond. Past tense – a particularly hard winter did them in – so happy I painted them when I did. Oh, and the white roses. These are also so very special. They grow at the back corner of our garden. Far away from people and pets. This one wins as one of the loveliest and the thorniest. Prickliest – is this even a word? The blooms open an antique white and get pinker as the blooms mature. By late summer they are quite pink. They fascinate me.