Events,  Lessons Learned

Another 30 day challenge complete

30 Paintings in 30 Day Challenge is completed for another year!

I simply cannot get over how fast time goes when you are having fun.   When I look at each of these little paintings I get such a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.   A lot of these were paintings I wanted to do in one form or another and this challenge lets me do that – to get around to your to-do list.  Some I knew would not lend themselves to larger pieces in the way I like to paint. Sometimes I just get so busy that I do not take the time to paint smaller pieces and just go with it. And so I love this challenge.  It keeps me very busy, very productive and I think it is a wonderful way to help move January along!

There were only a couple of days whereby I felt pressure to get into the studio and only two days where is was not really possible.  Hence there are 28 paintings displayed in my challenge collage.  But that is ok.   I hit a couple of potholes along the way as well.  I ran out of panels.  I had some ordered in advance but they took awhile to come in.

All gessoed panels are not the same!

When I did get them they were not Apmersand.  They were another brand Gotterick and required gesso prior to being painted.  So I lovingly laid out all my panels.  Got out my little paint tray and roller.  Opened up my gesso. Horrors! My gesso was moldy.  Got on the phone once again.  Help me I exclaimed.  Thank goodness Endeavours were able to get the Gesso to me the next day!

I started in that evening.  Each panel required three coats with ample drying time in between. And then sanding.  The roller created a wavy texture on the panels.  Not a good texture for painting small paintings in detail.   When I started sanding, well the gesso kind of rolled and not sanded as expected.  My new gesso felo more like plastic than gesso.  No time to back out now.  Oh dear.  Such stress. OMIGOODNESS! The gesso I purchased was a reputable brand, Golden…go figure.  Not what I expected at all.

Lessons Learned

The most important lesson I learned in order to be successful in producing a painting a day is to plan your work.  I found the days I struggled is when I did not start another painting immediately after completing one. Thinking takes up too much precious painting time.  And it is distracting with all the rabbit holes and diversions along the way.  I am a daydreamer after all.

The other lesson I seem not to learn is to relax the detail a bit.  I found as time when on, instead of painting looser I actually tightened up.  Look at the ravens as an example.  I had a good working philosophy,  Get the eyes and facial features right and the rest of the painting will take care of itself.  This is really true and important. Only I found that often I could not just go with it, resulting in a number of these paintings taking longer than I hoped.

Some were pure joy to paint, “Stymied” for example.  I loved painting that pig.  I loved painting my grandson (portraits are nerve wracking).  I loved painting the shore birds.  Heck I loved painting them all.

Thank you all for following along with me.   I really appreciate your encouragement and support.

No Comments

  • Val van der Poel

    A super body of work Helen. I know you talked about too much detail but those ravens are fabulous and well worth the extra time they took. I also really like your insect pieces – you made them look lovely. I enjoyed seeing your work during the month and look forward to seeing more.

    • Helen Shideler

      Thank you Val , I really appreciate your comments. I worked hard on those ravens! I cannot help myself. Happy you are following along

  • Sheila Delgado

    Stunning work, so inspiring. I struggle with work loose as well, but I have to say, your details are divine! Congratulations to you !

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