Autumn poured watercolour painting
Autumn. There is something about the changing seasons and the arrival of the clean, fresh autumn air that inspires me to pull out all the colours. Not to ever try to compete with Mother Nature, but to work in harmony and try to capture the essence.
Pouring with watercolours
There are so many reasons why I love the process of pouring with watercolours. Often I will start a painting after I have completed a few detailed larger pieces. It almost feels like therapy for me. I get to splash and splatter paint in a much freer manner than usual and there is an element of tension or wonder before I get to remove the mask. The reveal is an actual workout. I have actually blistered my hands removing the stuff! And seeing what is left underneath is often a nail biter!
Often, I will have so much masking on the paper that I lose site of my drawing and have to rely on my instincts to complete the process – I like it when this happens.
Six and seven
This painting was created with six applications of mask and seven poured paint applications. This is quite typical of how I approach this process. There are really no rules. I have made up/figured out the process I use. There are a number of other artists who pour with watercolours and we each have our own process and resulting style to our work. I finish off with some targeted brushwork – sometimes just to re-energize the colours or bring out a few details.. Removal of the mask will often remove much of the pigment.
Helpful Hint
Pouring with watercolour is not the same as pouring with acrylics. It is a very different process with very different results! Poured or fluid acrylics have a marbled finish and much less control of the finished piece.
Click through the process slideshow:

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It glows! And I love the slideshow.
Helen Shideler
Thank you
Slide show puts the process all in perspective eh?