Stone Church Artist’s Residency
And just like that our week with Stone Church Artist’s Residency program is behind us. What a gratifying and humbling week it was. I am sure neither Dale Cook or I will soon forget this experience!

We really didn’t know what to expect. The Church is absolutely beautiful. Full of architectural details that amaze. The ceiling over the altar was designed to resemble a ships hull – much like the Saint John City Market. The sun backlighting the magnificent stained glass windows will stop you in your tracks with pure awe.
The Soul of the Church
It interesting that it was not us trying to capture the physical attributes of the Church that was most inspiring. This Church serves as a community outreach program during the week. And I use the word service with intention. Every day there was at least one session available for area residents. From social gatherings, support, to seniors programs complete with live music , Bible study programs, free coffee with treats and free laundry facilities for those who need it. There was a pretty constant flow of people through its door including cruise ship passengers. I now have a new appreciation of the role a church with the right vision and leadership can take on in the community.
We were reminded of how blessed our lives are and that not all others may share the same journey. Our time with Stone Church was rewarding. Did you know that it is possible to sing, dance and paint at the same time? We sure did and had so much fun in the process.

Rise Again
In many Anglican Churches the Bible is placed on an eagle. This painting is based on their beautiful brass eagle with the background an interpretation of the woodwork from the throne on the altar.
The Story Being Told
I painted the majestic stained glass window on location. I have to admit that I was a bit intimidated as I started working. I gave myself a time limit to get it painted. This was the project I was working on when the live music was being performed. What a joyful time dancing and bopping to the music and watching the seniors group dance! I only made a few mistakes initially – over and over. All corrected now. I was careful not to get pulled into too much picky detail – am happy with the looser results. Good thing or I’d still be in there painting until the end of the month!
Baptismal Font
I painted one of the motifs on the Baptismal font. This was a bit of a challenge for me to freehand the shapes and get them symmetrical. This painting was sold and I donated the proceeds to Stone Church.
Stone Church
Work in progress. Thinking I may produce prints with proceeds to be donated to Stone Church outreach or restoration projects.

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Patti Daley
I enjoyed watching your daily videos Helen. I think I understand a bit of what the experience was for you and Dale. Something you won’t forget, something that left a mark on your hearts. I’m sure you were blessed by the experience as were those with whom you interacted. Patti D
Helen Shideler
Hi Patti
So happy you enjoy following along with us – we are really enjoying
working together. The time spent daily in the Church is not something you normally do. We were able to understand the amount of outreach happening – but it is nowhere near enough. The sad part of this is that outreach, while providing a sense of community and some support – it ti merely a bandaid. Society has to change. It’s a daunting journey that seems no one wants to lead.
The people who came in to see and talk to us were excited to see us in the Church! all around ann experience we will not soon forget.
What a fun little adventure! Love the stained glass painting.
Helen Shideler
Thank you – it was aaa really good experience all the way around