Ducks in a Row
Ducks in a Row is a 1/2 sheet poured watercolour painting of Ducks Unlimited nesting boxes hung in a row
Summer memories
Last summer we were in Prince Edward Island in the very picture perfect area of Annandale. We rented an old farmhouse that was situated on a old farm. On the property were many sun bleached barns. While exploring the property, we came across the back of a barn with a number of Ducks Unlimited nesting boxes hanging in a row. Hence Ducks in a Row!
I knew immediately there was a painting in that series of photos. Most likely a poured watercolour!
Trickier than I expected
I had fun drawing this one as it had no perfectly straight lines. Sounds pretty easy – right? With poured paintings you essentially draw and then redraw the image over and over while applying masking compound. I literally used two thirds of a brand new bottle on this. So much masking required. With a couple of the pours I failed to deepen the intensity of the colour enough, effectively making some of my effort not detectable.
I literally spent hours each day redrawing much of the surface as I applied the masking. to pretty much the whole painting. Five pour applications later I had to step back and make a decision. I had no appetite to apply the last layer of mask in preparation for final deepest pour. Anticipating that it would take literally hours and I would still have to go in and colour balance the painting with brushwork. I did the unthinkable and grabbed my rubber cement lifter and took all the gook off.
At the end of the day it was the right decision. Artistic licence and all. And I am something of a rule breaker. Sharing one of my favourite quotes. Appropriate in this situation.
Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly by Dali Lama
I always say there are no rules, you need to follow your instincts to create what you your work, your way!
Slideshow of some of the steps below – I stopped taking photos part way through but it will give yo.u the idea.