A nice story
I love a nice story. And I have one to share with you. Awhile back I offered to donate a pet portrait as a fundraiser for a group (Red Head Strays helping cats strut) that works tirelessly to rescue and foster cats.
I thought I would have completed the painting in January,but Mother Nature had other ideas. I think you know the story. Snow. Rain. Flash freezing. Flash flooding! inside my studio unfortunately. And of course, pretty sure you know how this went – the basement and studio mess as a result.
Back to the story
Once upon a time there were two little girls who liked to swing on swings, giggle and talk. Some of the things they talked about were the Beatles and their two amazing hits: I want to hold your hand and She loves you yeah yeah yeah. And so one of the little girls taught the other about the all important pop music and what one must know. Then the little girls sang a lot while swinging. And the memories are warm and wonderful.
Flash forward In the aftermath of the winter house mess, we were finally ready to start moving around the boxes of stuff around in our house and go through them. What stays? What goes? What I had been looking for and really missing. Like all my paints and art supplies! My acrylics paints emerged and I could finally start the painting that that I donated to Red Head Strays and that a very patient person won.
Once I had the painting finished, I reached out to the winner to say hey, guess what. A couple hours went by and her name registered with me. Could this be the girl I had such fond childhood memories of? And it was.
Social Media can be good
Say what you want about social media, but this was a fun encounter made possible by Facebook. Karma and the universe move in a wonderful synchronized way. I am happy to have been able to paint her fur babies Lilly and Bernie! Life is so good.

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Christiane Fortin
This is a wonderful story ending with a magical memory. The painting is beautiful. As you said sometime Facebook and other social medias are a pain but they do get people closer together we must at least admit to that.
I am so happy that she will treasure this painting and remember old time. Way to go girl !
Helen Shideler
Hi Christiane
So nice to hear from you. Thank you for all your support and well wishes