The problem with Prussian blue – A comedy
Oh dear me
So I have this brand new tube Prussian Blue paint in oil (if course). I tried to squeeze a dab out onto my pallet. Only it would not come out. So I squeezed a little harder. Still no paint. And then I squeezed a little harder. Success!!!!
Only half the tube shot out. Over the top of my pallet (as in all over the edges), onto the side of my water bottle, across the protective cardboard I had put under my work. Phew! Now if you know anything at all about Prussian, it has a reputation of getting away from you.
I really thought that meant as in messing up your mixes. Nope. I now know it means literally getting away from you! So, I thought- I can manage this and clean up later. I had my roll of paper towel on the table as well. A breeze came up making the paper towel flap around. Made it flap across the large squeeze of deep blue paint.
When i paint I have a very bad habit of holding a piece of paper towel in my other hand. This is never a good idea. Especially when you have some unruly paint out there trying to get you. I never noticed it until much later. You can see where this is going.
A fly landed on my shoulder and I shooed it away. My hair was blowing in the wind and into my eyes, I tried to move it away. Then an ant ran up my leg. Could not let that happen – had to flick it off.
Blue is the colour of my….
By the time the wind died down, I have Prussian Blue on my forehead. Up the entire length of my left arm. In my armpit????? Seriously, how did that happen????? Over the upper part of my right arm and shoulder. And of course, remember the ant? Down my left leg. Remember the cardboard protecting my table. It shifted. The nice white tiles are slightly blue even after I tried to clean up. Not to be discouraged, I finished the painting,
Started to take my materials back into the studio. Made three trips. Came back for the cardboard and hit my really tall glass of lemon water. It went across the table, into my hat, soaked a chair with the pulp-y juice.
Needless to say, I was a great source of amusement for my husband who felt the need to show me each one of the blue blotches all over me. hmmmmm