
30 Day Challenge Complete for Another Year

This year was for the birds. In a manner of speaking.  Although if you asked me the week prior to the challenge what it would was going to look like I probably would not have suggested I would paint birds and in acrylics exclusively.

Wow, I find it so difficult to believe this challenge came and went so quickly. Although I felt each and every day of January because of the commitment.  And I want to thank everyone for your continued support.  I have to admit, people asking me daily what will you be posting tonight kept just enough heat on to keep me going!

Moving on

We are into February already and larger projects are starting to take up my focus.    I have sooo much work to do. I get so excited with the possibilities. Only I may have way too much inspiration.  If that is even possible?

When I committed to the challenge I knew I wanted to paint some birds.  I did a lot of photography in our yard between Christmas and New Years.  The cardinals were so elusive. At first I was only able to catch a shot off in the distance.  As time went on I figured out where I could hunker down and not scare them away as I attempted to photograph them.  I was so happy with the results.  

Interesting enough

I started the challenge with a husky and finished with a husky.  I love painting animals as much as I love flowers, and birds, and bees and  and and

You get the idea.  

Wishing you my friends, a bright and colourful February!

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