Demo Poured Painting Colours of Autumn
Yesterday was such a nice day. I had the opportunity to paint at the Hooper’s Studio in Hampton with some really great folks. This is the kick off weekend for their Small Works Show and they invited a number of us to participate. I worked on a demo poured painting piece. As this was a demo, I had to take some “short cuts” to try to get it done in a day. Typically I prefer to pour one colour in a session. For this piece I had to pour two and sometimes three colours in one session. I liked the way the colours mingled on the wet paper but…
Recap first 14 Days and a stall tactic
So… Day 15s painting is going to take 2 days to paint. It is well underway…just no way close to being finished. I sort of promised myself I would not fall into my own detail trap – but I did. Day 15 will be day 15 & 16
Two in their new home
Ever since I painted these two dahlias, my daughter Jenn has had her eye on them. We finally had the opportunity to get them out to Vancouver without the hefty shipping charges. How you ask? Out of the frames, off the stretcher bars, rolled in towels and placed in her sister’s suitcase. Although it is a bit risky to put valuables in a suitcase, it worked and they arrived safely. Although I probably would not recommend this by the way. Do as I say, not as I do My father had an expression that made me crazy “do as I say, not as I do”. And here I am…
Summer’s Jewels – Nasturtiums
Summer’s Jewels was so much fun to work on – I mean I completely love these colours. And I completely loved pouring the colours of nasturtiums! There were a few moments of uncertainty – like when the making compound really did not want to come off. Took me a few hours…. and a blister to make it happen! This painting went through seven different pours – one colour I applied twice to increase the intensity. Below is the peel reveal I friend and I were recently discussing colours what subjects pour better or what make a successful poured painting. Whether monochromatic or complimentary colours pallets would be more effective? I…
Sunshine Yellow Azaleas
I just finished this poured watercolor commission of sunshiny yellow azaleas I think what I like best about poured paintings is how fast they seem to build. The process keeps you engaged daily – I typically work on them each day for about two weeks. Each stage has to dry completely before you move onto the next. But the progress really builds nicely. There were seven pours with this painting. Once completely dry I removed the frisket. I call this the peel reveal. Some artists take their work to this stage and call it done. I personally cannot do this, although I have been tempted a few times with the…
30 Paintings in 30 days Finale
Wow. What can I say. I really did stick with the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge. Only I painted 28. Really 27 as my last painting was finished today – after the end of the challenge. I am so glad I decided to do this challenge for a few reasons – it help passed this cold month and I wanted to use materials and subjects I do not always get around to. And I learned a lot. I learned that I actually do like acrylic paint. I just do not like to use it on canvas as I am unable to get the degree of detail I want…
Yesterdays Blooms Finally Finished
The name Yesterday’s Blooms came from a few different ideas I had white working on this watercolour of white roses that grow in the back corner of my yard. Early in the season the blooms are so white, almost a transparent white. As the season progresses, the blooms take on a hint of pink. Only to become quite pinkish and coral nearer to the fall as the bloom matures. I stepped back from this painting for a period (far too long) once I deepened the background. I had to get my head around how deep the values really are on the “white” roses. The value of a grey scale value…
Encore – Watercolour painting of Hibiscus
This is an interesting watercolour painting of a hibiscus that grows in my corner garden… it is the last plant to emerge in the spring and the last plant to bloom in the garden. Usually, this one blooms only after the first frost….and it takes it’s sweet old time. Teasing us. And then.. WOW! I promised myself Every year I promise if it blooms on time (before the first frost) I will paint it. Mother Nature has not exactly been on my side with this. I get a little anxious towards the end of August each year as I watch the wine coloured buds swell promising to soon open.…