The Pond in Mid Summer
Fear factor The Pond in MidSummer may be compete!I feel like I have been working on this for such a long time.. and I have…so challenging. Monochromatic Greens Painting with green in acrylic are also quite the challenge. The colours are never quite what you expect. And then they dry darker. Greens in watercolour are so much easier. There is no standardization in colours between brands. Sap green in one brand may be garish and in another almost olive. What the heck. That brings me to the colour I love to hate. Viridian! It is up there with the ever challenging cerulean (in watercolour) . Vididean is neon, unforgiving…
Rhodo Rhapsody
I little over a year ago, I was out walking along the seawall in Vancouver when I came across this amazing rhododendron. It literally stopped me in my tracks. And as good fortune would have it, I happened to have my camera with me. Pure rhododendron rhapsody. The Vancouver difference They grow to be quite huge in Vancouver – everything grows to be quite huge in Vancouver and, they have so many varieties. I had never seen this one before ever. It is amazing. I took many photos knowing I would one day be painting it. I have since noticed that the nurseries in the Maritimes are now carrying them.…
Spring Scentsation
Large acrylic painting of lilacs is finally signed and off the easel I think I heard a heavenly choir of angels Hallelujah! Really I mean it. I have spent so much quality time with this painting. First scoping all the lilac shrubs in Quispamsis, Rothesay and beyond. Then taking photos. I scouted, I hunted and even had friends on the lookout for me. Interesting enough these particular blooms grow in my own backyard. Worth crying over Then I remembered what I forgot. The wonderful scent of heavily perfumed lilacs are an allergy trigger for me. I managed to take photos through my watery eyes. This was pretty funny. I was…
Winters Light Shines Through
I have to admit this was one ambitious painting I think I may have a thing about straight lines and me not really know what to do with them. I always thought I have a steady hand and a good eye… but am not thinking my astigmatism may not know how to deal with them. Seeing this finished painting sure brings a smile to my face. We have a wonderful hanging stained glass window that was given to us Over the years we (really me) watch with fascination of how the right changes with each season. Winter is particularly beautiful with the deep colour of the sky and the reflections…
Cascading Blooms Watercolour Complete
Cascading Blooms a 1/2 sheet watercolour of pink climbing roses is now completed Procrastination I finally figured out why I have been procrastinating so much. At least I think I have been. And not sure I was even conscious of it until now. Participating in the 30 paintings in 30 day challenge in January was very satisfying. I mean I completed a painting a day for goodness sake. Felt accomplished every single day! Now that I am back to painting larger works – they seem to be taking forever. I had a goal this weekend of finishing two. Well, I only finished this one. But, you know, you cannot hurry…
Roses for Valentines
I am currently working on another painting of roses I started to think about it and realized just how many paintings of rose I have done. Being Valentine’s Day, I thought I would share some of the rose love with you . Roses for you and for me! There are wild island roses from Prince Edward Island. Roses from my father’s garden a long time ago. My friend Jeannie’s climbing roses that I take reference photos of every chance I get. Apparently horse manure makes great compost for roses. Carpet roses that grew by our little pond. Past tense – a particularly hard winter did them in – so happy…
Miss Feya Lily Complete
Finally I finally managed to carve out enough time to complete this painting. It was so close.I started it well before the Holiday season and then life got in the way. You know busy stuff. Family stuff. The stuff you need to take a time out for. Only after I committed to the 30 Paintings in 30 Day Challenge for January… a good and productive way to ring in the new year. I love the passages in this painting It may be cliché but it makes me think of generations. The older blooms still stately with their colours fading to softer and muted tones. The blooms that recently opened…
Pretty In Pink completed
I love the feeling of satisfaction I get when I realize that a painting is finished I’ve let this one percolate long enough to call it completed. I am done looking at it with the squinty eyes and scrutinizing. It is time to put down the paintbrushes and wash off my palette. When I get near the completion of a painting I spend quite a bit of time assessing and reassessing it and second guessing myself. This is a normal part of the painting process. I want to ensure the warm tones are balanced over the painting and that the cooler tones are the right shade and the values are…