Lessons Learned,  My Plein Air Adventures,  Scapes - Coastal and Land

Thoughts of Spring

I can’t help myself, whenever the sun come out this time of year I get spring fever! The days are noticeably longer and I imagine the sun is actually warmer. So much so that I started a painting of Rockwood Park in the spring. I needed a change of colour…just kidding.

Fresh off the Easel

Spring Promises 24 x 20” oil on gallery wrap canvas

I’m so pleased with this painting. You may recall that I have been focusing much of my Plein Air work on painting skies. What I have learned from all this is that the sky needs to be painted in one session. It is so important to plan your work to when you have a decent amount of available studio time.  Just look at that sky. It seems to hold the promise of summer is just around the corner. I do have a good imagination to the point where I think I can feel the warmth of summer in the whisper of the breeze.

Dale Cook and I paint at Rockwood Park at Fisher Lakes on a regular basis. It’s close by and we feel safe there. There is a generally a lot of foot traffic and we get to meet people who are curious about what we are doing. This park is near and dear to my heart. I literally spent much of my teenage years hanging out and swimming there. I would usually be there every warm day over many, many summers.

This island in this painting is one of the prettiest scenes you could imagine. I have painted it en Plein Air as well – you can see my painted images of the park through the seasons here.

We launched a YouTube Channel

We have been collecting so much material from our Adventures while painting en Plein Air that we decided to do something fun with it. We hope you come visit and Subscribe to our channel to follow along with us.

Omigoodness, I need to get better at this I can’t believe that so much time has gone by between my posts. I really need to be more deliberate with my posting.

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